Friday, May 21, 2010

How can I upload songs from itunes to same account but different computer?

I have two computers one is mine and one is my wifes. We both have ipods and the itunes account is under my name on both computers. When I purchase a song how do I bring it up on her computer or vice versa?

How can I upload songs from itunes to same account but different computer?
Just log in from the other computer, then go to the options menu and "authorize computer". That should do it.
Reply:dont know if this will help but have u tried to se if u can down load wat u want to u computer then just email that toon(?) to the other computer that way u will have it on both machines but at a dif place ?
Reply:Well, You Can Only Download The Songs Once But Its Very Easy To Put The Music On Your Wifes Computer As Long As It Is Authorised To Play Media Purchased From Your Account. When You Download Anything From One Of The Computers, Say Your Wife's, Sync Your iPod With Your Wife's Computer So The New Music Is On Your iPod, Then Disconnect Your iPod And Plug It Into Your Computer (The One Without The New Music). If You Plug Your iPod In And You Manually Have To Put Music On Your iPod (Meaning You Have To Drag The Music Onto You iPod) In iTunes, Click File, Then Transfer Purchases From iPod. If It Automatically Puts Music On Your iPod Then It Should Automatically Ask You If You Want To Transfer The Purchases To The Computer, If Not, In iTunes Click File, Then Transfer Purchases From iPod. Keep In Mind, You Can Only Transfer Music You Have Downloaded From The iTunes Store. Good Luck, Brodey. E-Mail Me If You Have Any Other Issues.

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