Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do I get my computer to stop showing me the desktop screen?

When I'm in the middle of a program, my computer will suddenly switch to the desktop screen. The program I'm running doesn't crash though. Any idea how to make it concentrate on the program I'm trying to run with no interruptions?

How do I get my computer to stop showing me the desktop screen?
Hi! Just another possibility: if you happen to hit ALT and TAB you can send yourself back to the desktop (it's easier than you think! LOL ).

Also, is your virus scan up to date and when is the last time you ran it? This sounds like a highly irritating 'prank' type problem that a virus designer would perpetrate.

Good Luck!

Reply:you are probably clicking on the buttons on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. this will minimize the window the same way it does when you click on the square in the upper-right corner of all of your windows.
Reply:when run programms try to run program that contain less graphics, if this does'nt solve the problem. let me ask u how many mb is ur ram, if your ram is low try to increase it by bye a new ram and slot it into the ram socket.

flowers for algernon

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