Monday, May 24, 2010

How can I learn if my computer is x32 or x64? What is the difference between them?

I want to learn the difference between x32 and x64 and how can I learn which one is my computer using? Does the properties option show it?

How can I learn if my computer is x32 or x64? What is the difference between them?
Quick easy way is to right click on MY COMPUTER and select properties on the screen that pops up it should give a description of your SYSTEM eg CPU and RAM.

The difference between the two is a whole chapter in itself but think of it this way..32(bit) has 32 paths(channels) for data to travel on ( yes a big freeway.. Highway for all you non OZzie people) 64(bit) has 2x as much therefore can transmit much faster (doubled the lanes on the freeway)

This sounds great eh??

well not really unless you are running a 64bit OS there is not much performance gain better off getting a Dual core(2 CPU's on the 1 chip)

XP does come in a 64bit format BUT (big one) there is very little in the way of productivity software out there to run on a 64bit XP and I am not going into the lack of 64bit drivers for all you hardware...

Better to get a copy of Linux in 64bit architecture that will have all the supporting software to make it very useful.

I run a 32bit XP and a 64 bit Linux(UBUNTU distribution) on a AMD x64 Dual core 4200mhz and the performance difference is quite staggering

I hope this gives you enough info if not you can do your own research quite simply by typing "32bit V 64bit" into a search engine ( no recommendations as to which one you choose :)

Just tried it myself and came up with a very good explanation in Wikipedia
Reply:It is probably x32 but you can tell by checking your Windows Install Disc. It should say on there. x64 from what I understand does not support a lot of applications just yet. It will not tell you which version you are running in the properties. (Hope that Helps)
Reply:If it Windows, right click My Computer and select properties. You'll find out if your machine is a 32 bit or 64 bit. The difference is a technical one - the bit size is the amount of information processed at a time. A 64 bit processor can process twice the amount than a 32 bit. However, this is only useful if the operating system (Windows, Linux, etc) and the application you are running (Office, Tiger Woods 2007, Photoshop, etc) can take advantage of the extra processing power. As of now, 64 bit machines are popular in a business environement where business software manufacturers and developers write 64 bit code. There are home PCs and laptops that have 64 bit processors (Acer features a 64 bit AMD Turion) but you really won't have any advantage over a 32 bit machine just yet. I give it a few years at least. Anyway, the home market tends to level off so if the big guys (Dell, Lenovo, Gateway, etc) start selling 64 bit PCs, everyone follows since they don't want to be left behind. Don't hesistate in purchasing a 32 bit PC should the need arise.
Reply:click on: start/control panel/display/and settings. you will see under color settings. probably 32bit which would be your highest color quality.

How can i understand that my computer contain a virus?

How can i understand that my computer contain a virus? And how do i protect this?

How can i understand that my computer contain a virus?
Anti-Virus program. There are many free ones out there. AVG Free Edition... Avira AntiVir... Avast!.... Scan with them. Also, you know you have a virus when your files start getting corrupted... or when other people start complaining that you're sending e-mails when in reality you haven' sent anything... that's a worm.

Hope I helped.
Reply:If you use an Anti-virus, you can both scan for viruses and prevent from getting viruses. They can run from $50+ in stores but it's definitely worth it. For more information, you should go to your local computer electronics store and ask for their selection of Anti-viruses.
Reply:it usually becomes slow and sluggish

then it doesn't respond to commands and clicks

then your system dies

use free antivirus software from avg or antivir. and pair it with antispyware software from lavasoft or iobit.

good luck.
Reply:sorry i only know how to make them
Reply:get this:

and run a scan.

It is completely free.

What is the best brand of computer to buy?

I am planning on getting a new computer, and need some advice on what kind is the best.

What is the best brand of computer to buy?
I recommend HP. Dell is good, but trust me, customer service for Dell sucks. Of course I think that this Dell customer service problem is partly because of the customer who does not understand the difference between system problem and Windows Operating System problem.
Reply:You should strongly consider a newer macintosh that has the intel core duo processor. These new models will run both MacOS and WindowsOS, providing the best of both worlds. In addition you get the impeccable world class quality of apple hardware which, until now, was only available to people that were willing to forego windows operating system.
Reply:my prefrence is sony vaio. hp would be second, followed by toshiba, fujitsu.
Reply:well that is a very personal choice...hence the big mac vs pc debate. I'm a mac girl personally. But I work on both, and have used many different types.

I would stay away from Gateway, compaq, and HP. Better options are Sony, Dell's, or IBM computers IMO. But there are cheaper offshoot brands I know nothing about. Also for a PC, you may want to consider custom.

Before you buy, figure out your needs. Do you need mobility? Is a laptop best for you? Or do you only want a Desktop for your office? What types of things are you doing w/ your computer? Is it for business only? School/college? Internet, Photos, Music?

If you have never owned a computer before, and are not very savvy on either OS (xp, or mac OSX), I would suggest going w/ OS X - it is MUCH easier to use, very intutive, and offers much more fun and creative tools...MORE creative people go w/ a mac. *If you are also looking for something more reliable, and something more long lasting, a mac is your answer - there are many to choose from, and I'm sure one would fit your needs. If your not sure, go to a mac store and see for yourself!

How do I copy music and pictures from my computer to my mobile?

I have Samsung mobile model SGH-X120.

Infrared communication can be setup between this mobile and my computer which is running on windows XP. How do I copy music and pictures from my computer to my mobile?

How do I copy music and pictures from my computer to my mobile?
if you are using infrered, go to your music file in the phone seletc option and select send via infrared option. then go to control panel in you PC select infrared devices and double click and open the program. then bring your phone near to the infrared port of you PC or Laptop. it's a dark colour glass kind of thing which is normally located on the side of a laptop. bring the 2 infrared ports fac to face (phone and computer) . they need to be close by also. then your PC will show a pop up menu saying incoming fil. accept it. u'll get the files to your PC.

Pls note if the intrared ports re not close by and face to face your computer will not detecet the incoming files. (which i think is a negative aspect of infrared when you compare with bluetooth transfer)
Reply:first of all,i would like to know if u have a data cable.if u have it,i have the answer.

what u will do is first install the software from cd-rom given in the set.after installation just connnect your data cable to u.s.b port and open the software.

there is one option init i.e file that and now you are ready to copy your music and pictures from computer to your mobile and from mobile to computer too.

But remember your mobile must have a data cable
Reply:Yes you can you will need a data cable. to do that

flower arrangement

Whats the fastest way to move everything in my iTunes from one computer to another?

Im trying to put DVDs on my iPod, but my one computer has a DVD drive, so I want to move everything from one computer to the next. My ideas so far are... try to find all my cds (which would take a long time, my friends have most and idk if i can find them) or e-mailing all the songs to myself then opening them on the other computer. Ive got gmail so it shouldnt bog down my email too bad.

Whats the fastest way to move everything in my iTunes from one computer to another?
You do to have an external hard drive.... Your iPod!

Just place the music that is on computer A, onto the iPod, then connect it to computer B and place all the files onto that computer.
Reply:Get yourself an External harddive and move things that way. Simply open up both the external and your Music file..and drag and drop the whole file in..then..disconnect and reconnect to your other computer..and reverse the drag and drop back into your new computer..its easy!
Reply:download all the songs from the internet....

use limewire

What is the solution when my computer says that my Web browser has encountered a problem and needs to close?

I get this several times a week and I tried using Internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I know my computer needs more RAM.

What is the solution when my computer says that my Web browser has encountered a problem and needs to close?
Agreed with the RAM Part. U can reinstall Internet explorer and firefox and try. U can use task manager under the tab processes and monitor Firefox and internet explorer usage and see who is giving the problem. Laterz.
Reply:I got out of this problem just by upgrading Internet Explorer if you have all the latest updates this dose not normally happen or you can just simply reinstall internet explorer.

How do I get norton anti-virus off my computer and use Yahoo or microsoft instead?

I just want to keep Norton utilities but get all of the huge and costly group of things on Norton anti-virus. It virtually takes over my computer and I can't get updates even from HP, my computer maker!

How do I get norton anti-virus off my computer and use Yahoo or microsoft instead?
control panel, add/remove programs;)
Reply:Use Symantec's tool from

The uninstaller leaves stuff behind, but this should clear everything.

Don't keep anything of the Norton software: it can all be replaced and anything will continue to break your computer. Don't use the Yahoo! stuff, that is Norton too, and Microsoft Live OneCare is terrible.

You can do better for free; get these:


Spyware Terminator (turn off web security guard):

Spybot: (use immunise feature)


Comodo: (turn off defense+ to see fewer alerts)

Then get these:

to replace the utilities bit.

How do i connect a second computer to a router?

How do i connect a second computer to a router .

In my house i have two computers at the moment , one connected to a router . I would like to add a third computer for my daughter .

How would i go about this connecting it to a router , so there will be two computers running of one router .


How do i connect a second computer to a router?
Assuming your router has 4 ports, just connect the second and third computers to the free ports. If it only has one port (which is pretty rare these days), I'd suggest getting a new router that does have at least 4 ports. They're only £15.
Reply:well, if you want to connect it wirelessly, and if your daughter's computer is a laptop, then just enter the password of the router, if your network is secured. If it is a desktop, then there will be 4 ports for an internet cable, just buy a long one of those, they have internet cords with lengths of 50 ft. or mode, and then plug one end into one of the four ports on the router, and the other cable into the internet cable port on your daughter's computer
Reply:Recently routers have minimum of 4 ports ( means: 4 cables can be plugged to it excluding a WAN port). To connect the second computer to the router, you need a networking cable (RJ45) and connect one end of it to one of the router ports and the other end to the network point on the back of the second computer. I the computer doesn't have any network point, you need to install a network card on the second computer.

See network setting on computer currently connected to the router. Copy all the setting to the second computer except for IP address. This IP address is unique for each computer. Change the last group number. eg: on 1st PC and set for 2nd PC.

To set the third PC, do same as above and use different IP address.

If your router only have one port, you need to buy a 4 port switch. Connect one cable between router and switch and cables between switch and computers.

eurovision song contest

How can I wirelessly connect my turntable to my computer?

For several years, I have moved songs on LPs, CDs, and cassettes from my turntable/CD/ cassette player to iTunes in my computer (I've also done this with my video player). I did this by using a cable to connect the headphone jack on my player to the inport jack on my computer. The results have been entirely satisfactory. However, there are disadvantages to this system, like tripping over the cable, or not being able to find the cable when I want it. Now I would like to do the process wirrelessly. Most people say that it cannot be done, or that the sound quality suffers too much. Well, I rountinely compress MP3 way beyond what is recommended, and I am entirely sartisfied with the results. I can't tolerate static or other extraneous noises, though.

How can I wirelessly connect my turntable to my computer?
It can be done. I have no clue as far as quality goes but your gunna need an audio/video wireless adapter thingy. Your also going to need a video card that accepts audio inputs i.e. the white and red cords.
Reply:It depends on how much of a hacker you are... there are several wireless systems on the market that would work. A trip to Radio Shack would get you pretty close.

But thats not how the GeekBoy rolls...

You need to solve two problems: Transmission and receiving.

Here's what I would try: Get one of the car radio broadcasters for your car for media players that take a headphone input and broadcast it on an FM signal.

You may have to cludge a power supply, but it would transmit the signal over RF to your receiver's radio.

The problem with phonographs is that the output signal is at a VERY low level... one tenth to one one-hundredth of what come sout of the headphone jack of an IPod or stereo. Some kind of preamp may be needed (also a Radio Shack fix).

If I had an idea of your budget/home brew willingness, I could be more specific.

Bottom line, projects that other people say can't be doe are the must fun to pull off. Then sell your solution on eBay, and, of course send a complimentary kit to the guy :)

Best of luck.

How can i send pictures or movies from my computer to a Sony Ericsson using the cell phones IR port?

as stated, i own that particular type of cell phone, and i can not figure out how to send, say, a dvd or movie file from my computer to the phone. Will i need any accessory/hardware for my computer, is there a program i need, and finally what format must the movie/clip be in? thank you for any help on this matter !

How can i send pictures or movies from my computer to a Sony Ericsson using the cell phones IR port?
You can't - since your computer has no IR. You can use a memory card instead if your SE phone has a memory card slot to transfer those pictures or movies.
Reply:First step most desktop computers do not have a IR port.

A lot of laptops do have them.

Second you will need to load software to your computer from Sony Ericsson. A CD may have even come with the phone.

How can I transfer music from itunes from old computer to a new one?

I just got my new computer. How can I transfer my old music on my old computer using i tunes to my new one?

How can I transfer music from itunes from old computer to a new one?
there is a "back up to disc" option in iTunes under the File menu which will burn them to a CD or DVD. Or simply grab your itunes directory and copy on to an external Hard Drive or Thumb Drive depending on the size of you collection.

What is the best kind of computer to use when using 3ds Max?

What is the things you should look for when doing animations/graphics? Is there a computer package allready set up for this purpose? Thanks in advance.

What is the best kind of computer to use when using 3ds Max?
Hi there.. for PC, there should be a package that already set for animator / video editor..

But I prefer to chose by my self..

well, I can give you my suggestion on the minimum requirements for 3ds Max (from my opinion):


Intel Pentium 4

CPU 3.00Ghz

RAM 1.51GB

make sure you chose a good graphic card (I can't answer this one.. sorry)

don't forget sound card.. when you want to listen to some music..

Reply:if you are going to do any kind of video amd is a must have athlon or sempron socket 754 or 939 2800+ or higher and 1gb of ram and a nvidia gforce 7800 video card .

wedding song

How long does it really take to trace a computer?

I've watched a few movies where they show the police tracing a computer to the exact apartment number then raiding it with the SWAT in a matter of minutes. I've always thought it might take a day or two. And also, what programs can be used to trace a computer by its IP?

How long does it really take to trace a computer?
It is almost instantaneous using a few tools that are already installed on your computer. Here is how it all works:

Reply:you can trace to the ISP within a second. beyond that, depends on your access to their data - government agencies can get beyond the ISP to actual addresses. a residential user cannot.

traceroute is the program i've used, it is very helpful if i need to see where data is being dropped along a connection.

Best way to use sound from computer to landline answering machine?

I have a sound file that i want to be on my landline phone as an answering machine. Problem is, the phone and the computer are pretty distant from one another. I was wondering, among the slightly obvious answers (aka, holding the phone to the speaker) Is there any way that i could do it to get the BEST quality after i transfer it from comp to landline? Thanks a bunch!

Best way to use sound from computer to landline answering machine?
I have a uniden phone, and with a digital phone you can send the .wave.file directly to the phone!! see if you got a digital phone first...then just google under .wave.file...

What should I buy for my computer to receive wireless internet signals using a can?

I am wondering if their is something i need to buy for my computer so i can use a can to receive signals.Do i even have to use a can,is there something i can buy better than the can but cheap. someone please tell me the whole wiring thing.

What should I buy for my computer to receive wireless internet signals using a can?
I am unfamiliar with anything called a can so if you're talking about a tin can thinking it can pick up internet signals you're crazy. What you need for wireless internet first is a wifi hotspot nearby or a neighbor with an unsecured wireless network or have your own Wireless network with a Wireless router.

Second you need a wireless network adapter card you can either get a USB which will fit both a Desktop Computer and a Laptop computer like this one

Or you can get a Card that is made for a desktop PCI like this one

Or you can get a Card for a laptop PCMCIA like this one

Good Luck HTH.
Reply:A can? Lets see....

First you'll need some other materials.... Some duct tape, a coat hanger, an old nintendo game cartridge, a wodden paint stirrer stick and some wire.... Take the can and the coat hanger. Wrap the coat hanger around the can leaving about 2 inches of it hanging....then take the wire and attach it to the coathanger make sure the metal is touching and also make sure you have some more. you'll need it later....Now take the duct tape wrap it around the end of the paint stick make sure to leave most of the stick hanging and to make sure the opening of the can is facing upwards. Now take the stick/can and use more duct tape and attach the stick to your head makeing sure the can faces up and the stick is on the back of your head take the nintendo cartridge and balance it on top of the can...then all you need to do is take some more wire tie one end to your finger and stick the other end under your keyboard making sure the wire is pointing your monitor... then just restart the computer and there you go ......

Enjoy ...

How can I send pictures using bluetooth to my computer to my samsung ach 930 verizon phone?

My computer has a USB bluetooth installed and running and he phone is bluetooth enabled. I got them to connect but am unsure how to send the pictures over to my computer?

How can I send pictures using bluetooth to my computer to my samsung ach 930 verizon phone?
I have never heard of being able to send pictures to your computer via bluetooth?? But if you think that you can, just try going and finding the picture you want then clicking; options; send; via bluetooth. Thats how I do bluetooth with my friends, Im not sure that you can to your computer though. The way I get things through to my computer from my phone is attach your usb to your phone and the plug in the computer and then a little box should appear saying differen things, click on the one that says "transfer philes via scanner and..." something along the lines of that, then you should be able to choose what to transfer. I hope this helps. Goodluck.


What is the best way to hook up outdoor speakers to my computer?

My computer is on the second floor of my house and my stereo is on the first floor in the living room. I was planning on buying some outdoor speakers and just running a wire from the computer out the window on the second floor and hooking is to the Speakers mounted under the eaves on my back deck. Will the computer have enough power to push to speaker, it will probably be 30 or 40 feet of wire. I dont want to spend a whole lot of money either.

What is the best way to hook up outdoor speakers to my computer?
Use a MP3 player loaded with your music to run your (powered)speakers, or try wireless speakers. Powered type speakers will boost the signal if you run a lot of wire.

How long should it take to hook up your camera to your computer?

Like how long till its actually on your computer? How long should it take because i been waiting for about 6 or 7 minutes and my camera still says "COMPUTER conecting... Keep USB cable contected". But what im basicly asking is how long should it take for the camera to connect to your computer? Thank you everyone for helping me out!

How long should it take to hook up your camera to your computer?
It takes me less than a minute. It's almost instantaneous.

Maybe there's a compatibility problem such as whatever program you use: Windows Media, etc.
Reply:It completely matters on your computer

the better your computer the faster it will load.

my computer takes seconds but i've seen some that freeze and takes like 30 min,

just wait.
Reply:Is it the first time you connect your camera to your computer? Personally I don't do it because I find it easier to just insert the memory card to the computer in copying pictures and videos. It's faster that way and I don't have to use those cables. For now just wait another 15 minutes.

What is the easiest way to connect a second computer to the Internet?

I have a second computer set up for the kids but only one phone point. The rooms are a distance apart so cable is not the answer. Can anyone help a complete beginner please to connect the second computer to the internet.?

Any advice gratefully accepted. Thank you.

What is the easiest way to connect a second computer to the Internet?
Use a wireless router? Relativly cheap, no wires.
Reply:Hi, if you don't have any computer knowledge, it would be easier for you to contact your ISP and let them do this professionally. And while they will work, just watch and remember.

Cause people here suggest you using routers, hubs etc. - if you are not familiar with this stuff, you won't be able to make the correct settings yourself.
Reply:Via an ethernet cable but you have to setup a home or office network on both pc's wich you can do in windows xp pro only not the home edition pro as to have service pk 2 installed as well.
Reply:install wireless lan cards on both computers then use a wireless router..
Reply:I assume you're talking about dial up. If it's dial up then you'll need a phone jack near the second computer or run a long phone line to a phone jack that's further away. If you're talking about DSL then you'll have to use a router.
Reply:A router or a hub will do it.
Reply:A wireless Router, and a USB adaptor on the second computer, a good one is a Linksys model, they are very easy to set up even for a novice or some one who is not a computer genie
Reply:If you have broadband you can do it, not if its dial up.

The easiest is to use a router, most modern modems are also routers and have network sockets for 4 or 5 computers.

or you could go wi-fi, but also need a router wi-fi modem.
Reply:yes but you will need a router (wireless or not) you have high speed internet right
Reply:Ok get yourself a ethernet hub and just place the single lead into the input/uplink and plug 2 comps into the output ports. simple for about 20-30pounds, yes you can use a wireless router but they are seriously easy to hack....

How do you restore a network connection to another computer which is connected to mine?

It used to work fine until one day we lost connection. Now when I click on the other computer through My computer it says connection has not been restored. How do I restore it? We are both on windows XP.

How do you restore a network connection to another computer which is connected to mine?
If it was the shared folder in other computer - check if the share still exists.

If it still exists - Use Search Computer from start button and see if you can reach the other computer.

If you can - you can recreate the network connection from My Computer - Rt click - Map Network Drive

If you can't - there is problem on reaching the other computer - need to check lot of other things.
Reply:it be the firewall

disable the firewall on both computers, get some traffick going through them from each other and set the firewall while the traffic is ocurring

sim cards

How do i connect a second computer to a router?

How do i connect a second computer to a router .

In my house i have two computers at the moment , one connected to a router . I would like to add a third computer for my daughter .

How would i go about this connecting it to a router , so there will be two computers running of one router .


How do i connect a second computer to a router?
Assuming your router has 4 ports, just connect the second and third computers to the free ports. If it only has one port (which is pretty rare these days), I'd suggest getting a new router that does have at least 4 ports. They're only £15.
Reply:well, if you want to connect it wirelessly, and if your daughter's computer is a laptop, then just enter the password of the router, if your network is secured. If it is a desktop, then there will be 4 ports for an internet cable, just buy a long one of those, they have internet cords with lengths of 50 ft. or mode, and then plug one end into one of the four ports on the router, and the other cable into the internet cable port on your daughter's computer
Reply:Recently routers have minimum of 4 ports ( means: 4 cables can be plugged to it excluding a WAN port). To connect the second computer to the router, you need a networking cable (RJ45) and connect one end of it to one of the router ports and the other end to the network point on the back of the second computer. I the computer doesn't have any network point, you need to install a network card on the second computer.

See network setting on computer currently connected to the router. Copy all the setting to the second computer except for IP address. This IP address is unique for each computer. Change the last group number. eg: on 1st PC and set for 2nd PC.

To set the third PC, do same as above and use different IP address.

If your router only have one port, you need to buy a 4 port switch. Connect one cable between router and switch and cables between switch and computers.

What question do you ask a computer so that you are certain to pick the door that leads to life?

you are stuck in a room. this room has two doors and two computers. one door leads to life and the other to death. one computer is programmed to always lie and the second one always tells the truth. you have only one question and do not know which computer is which. what question do you ask a computer so that you are certain to pick the door that leads to life?

What question do you ask a computer so that you are certain to pick the door that leads to life?
what is 1+1?

the computer that lies will say anything but 2

the computer that tells the truth will say 2
Reply:power of reasoning 101 lol every college fresh man knows that one but if you want to exercise grey matter solve this a man is afraid to go home because the man with the mask is there (and he is not a burglar)

How can i send pictures or movies from my computer to a Sony Ericsson using the cell phones IR port?

as stated, i own that particular type of cell phone, and i can not figure out how to send, say, a dvd or movie file from my computer to the phone. Will i need any accessory/hardware for my computer, is there a program i need, and finally what format must the movie/clip be in? thank you for any help on this matter !

How can i send pictures or movies from my computer to a Sony Ericsson using the cell phones IR port?
You can't - since your computer has no IR. You can use a memory card instead if your SE phone has a memory card slot to transfer those pictures or movies.
Reply:First step most desktop computers do not have a IR port.

A lot of laptops do have them.

Second you will need to load software to your computer from Sony Ericsson. A CD may have even come with the phone.

Can anyone tell me why my computer smells bad?

Just recently my old hard drive began to click and whine and I replaced it with a brand new one - A Seagate with 160 gb. However, since I've installed the new one my computer gives off a really weird smell when the computer is running. I can only describe it as an ozone type of smell which, after breathing in the fumes, makes my throat hurt when I swallow. I should mention also that my hard drive is running perfectly fine, I've opened the case while my computer is on and none of the internal parts are overheating - just that awful smell! The same thing happened recently when I installed a new video card. I had to stop using it and buy a used one. Am I over sensitive, or does all new computer equiptment smell this bad?

Can anyone tell me why my computer smells bad?
I know exactly the smell that you are talking about. It is common with new electronic circuit boards. I am not positive exactly what it is but I believe that it has something to do with the chemical that is used to clean the board before it is shipped.

The smell will lessen each time you run the PC but could take a month or so before it finally goes away completely.
Reply:ive never heard of that happening.. overheating or poor installation are the only things that come to mind... maybe its something near the computer that smells?
Reply:Since it is the new hard drive, you might want to return it for replacement. If the board is going bad, you may soon lose everything on it.
Reply:Unplug your hard drive and boot up the computer. It will come up and tell you that you have no operating system. Let it sit and see if you smell the same thing. If not, it is your hard drive, return it. If you smell the same thing with the hard drive power connection pulled off, the hard drive is not the culprit.

If the smell is a borderline electrical burning smell, you may have a power supply problem or your motherboard may be pulling too much power. I had one do that recently, it keeps overpowering the processor and burning up.

The eyes burning indicates possible fumes, so touch each wire comming from your power supply and see if one of them is hot.
Reply:No all new parts do not smell like that. You should return it, it might be defective.

garden ridge

How do i learn the restaurant computer?

I'm memorizing the menu, wine list, and such i just need to learn the computer any advice and tips?

How do i learn the restaurant computer?
dont be afraid of it. if you have some down time go check it out and get used to it.

About the only way to get used to something is just keep using it. it start to come naturally. Just be relaxed and not anxious.

hell, we got new registers at my job a few years back and i still have problems finding some of lesser used keys. course, i didnt use em much for a long time since I was cooking.

How could I set up my computer to record acoustic guitar audio and vocals? What would i need?

Any help would be appreciated. Not looking to spend a whole lot of money but willing to fork out about $300 to do this. I don't need anything fancy just so i can playback and work with songs I write. I am computer illiterate so your help would be great!

How could I set up my computer to record acoustic guitar audio and vocals? What would i need?
Any USB Audio Interface should do. And a lot of them fit your budget. For $300 here is what I would do:

Tapco Link - USB Audio Interface $150

This allows you to plug up to 2 inputs (Mic and Guitar). It also comes with Tracktion, which is the easiest to learn Recording Software on the market. It will allow you to the basics of: record, edit, mix, and master. It also comes with some respectable effects and filters.

Shure SM58 - Dynamic Mic $100

Here's a good standard Dynamic Mic. Now since you are recording a lot of people will say go Condenser Mic, which is true. But it sounds like you are just looking to record and you aren't going to be too big on getting studio quality, so this Mic will be the best for you right now. A Condenser Mic would be beneficial, if you were going to record one track at a time, and would record your vocals separate from the guitar. This Dynamic Mic also gives you the option of using it live.

That leaves you $50 to get some cables and a Mic Stand.

The only other thing you might want to look into is some monitors or speakers for playback. You can use your computer speakers by routing the AI back into your soundcard, but the sound quality will be poor. Headphones is a cheap option too.

Good Luck.
Reply:most interfaces like tascam come with programs like cubase le

you can record two channels at once (24 total) for around $200

What is the best computer game you have ever played?

I love to play computer games but I always beat them! I need a good computer game that requires a lot of figuring out! What is the best computer game you have ever played?

What is the best computer game you have ever played?
I can't pick just one! I love computer games that are puzzle/adventure games. Here's a list of some of my favorites:

7th Guest

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

The Secret of Monkey Island

The Fool's Errand

Fable: The Lost Chapters

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (all of the games)


All of the Nancy Drew games even though I'm not a fan of the books the games are fun mysteries:

Secrets Can Kill

Stay Tuned for Danger

Message in a Haunted Mansion

Treasure in the Royal Tower

The Final Scene

Secret of the Scarlet Hand

Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake

The Haunted Carousel

Danger on Deception Island

The Secret of Shadow Ranch

Curse of Blackmoor Manor

Secret of the Old Clock

Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

Danger By Design

The Creature of Kapu Cave
Reply:Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

I had some good memories playing that game
Reply:these are older games but still my favorites

Need For Speed 2

Moto Racer

Hard Truck 18 Wheels Of Steel
Reply:I'm playing Splinter cell right now. There is a demo @ or I think

Good luck :)
Reply:ever, that would be tropico 2. but recently it would be Civilizations 4
Reply:Halo: Combat Evolved is really really good.
Reply:Well I will give you a rundown of good games based on topic:


Starcraft,Command and conquer etc


Oblivion (elder scrolls)


Sonic 1%26amp;2

Shootem up:

Battlefield two,


Call of Duty 1 %26amp; 2

And lets not forget god of war 1 %26amp;2
Reply:I loved ...The 7th Guest...It was the first computer game I ever played . It was fun and kind of creepy and kept me interested for a long time.
Reply:Counterstrike: source

How can you tell if another computer other than your cable provider is linked to yours?

I took my computer to a shop, since then I've had odd pop ups.Like an alert that another account is opened for my e-mail.Is there an way I can check to see .And a easy way I can undo the link if there is one?

Thanks for your help!

How can you tell if another computer other than your cable provider is linked to yours?
You can find out via NETSTAT commands. To understand NETSTAT commands and their functions go to and in the search bar type in netstat command. While at the site you will a lot of useful information and tutorials.
Reply:Might be a sub-account.

flowers for algernon

Is AP Computer Science a great course to major in computer engineering?

I am currently a junior in high school and will be planning to an AP class next semester, but which course will help more in majoring in computer engineering? Do all AP classes have the same effect or power that colleges look forward to? Thanks!

Is AP Computer Science a great course to major in computer engineering?
AP Classes help one place out of lower level college classes and they are not necessarily a good predictor of success in computer engineering.

How often should one scan the computer using antivirus and antispyware programs?

I use the free addition of AVG Anti-virus and Spydoctor. Usually in the instructions for all the anti-malware programs its given that you should scan the computer regularly using them. So how often does regularly means? I usually end up scanning everyday or the other day. Can scanning a lot have any affect on my hard drive or other components?

How often should one scan the computer using antivirus and antispyware programs?
Most if not all anti-virus apps can be set to update %26amp; scan automaticly. I have mine run every nite because I leave it on to catch updates--Windows, ZoneAlarm, etc

The anti-spyware apps I run 5-6 times a month. This because of the number of nasties that they typically find. If I happen to go to a number of new, or suspect, or porn sites, I run it more often, because it will get more stuff from those.

The wear on the computer is negligible, it's more about the time involved

Reply:I have mine set for once a week, depending on how much you use your computer I'd say once a week is good enough.
Reply:not very often...certainly no more than 1 time a week. maybe twice if you downloaded something your not sure of.

:-) hope i helped
Reply:The true answer is never... once you install and update to the newest definitions, run a full scan. But then you never need to scan again because your AV scans a file everytime you: read, write or download. Therefore no virus can ever sneak by.

Running additional scans is a waste of time.
Reply:If your security tools find "Nasties" every day or two, do it EVERY day, faithfully. Better safe than sorry.

No, it won't hurt your hardware, but it WILL trash Windows, eventually.
Reply:2 or 3 times a week if you don't want to bother doing it manually you can schedule it tell it to e-mail you the

latest scan status report.
Reply:you only need to scan about every week
Reply:No more than once a week, you can leave it longer if you dont do much with it as theres less chance of anything bad being on your computer. Your resident protection should stop new threats anyway as they happen but just keep an eye on how your computer is acting and keep your software up to date.

How do you dis-assemble a computer chair that has a gas strut?

I have a computer chair that goes up and down with one of those gas strutty things, but i want to dismantle it to store it for a while. The instructions say 'no can do'. Any ideas out there pleez. Thanks Ann.

How do you dis-assemble a computer chair that has a gas strut?
The best way is to unscrew/unbolt the seat from the yoke underneath. There are usually just 4 machine screws. Be sure to note which way faces front, if it's not stamped on the frame.

Some chairs allow you to disassemble the back from the seat and arms. (this is how they are shipped to reduce bulk). Look for screw covers or release levers

You do not want to remove the gas cylinder as they are friction fit and generally you will ruin the cylinder getting it out.
Reply:I think you risk losing the gas if you dismantle it. Not sure if these things can be re-gassed either....

How to clean up a failing computer?

A family member has a failing computer running XP Pro whereas I have a spare drive on my own computer with an unused XP Pro installation already set up. My idea is to back up all his files/folders etc using the Back Up facility within Windows Live OneCare and then set him up on my spare drive. All XP installations in this house have passed Microsoft validation however, he does not have an installation CD but I can get his Product Key. I have two questions. What is the best method of preparing a computer for a fresh installation of XP Pro (is formatting the HDD too extreme)? Secondly, if I use my installation CD to re-install XP Pro on his computer but when the time comes to enter a Product Key, I enter HIS Product Key rather than my own, can that work? Are Product Keys only specific to the program/application being installed or are they specific to the individual installation CD being used?

How to clean up a failing computer?
Although I am not an expert, I know that there are two types of CDs -- those that come with a computer (which have been customized for that type of computer) and those that come commercially. If your XP Pro was purchased comercially, you should be fine to install it. IF, however, you have one type of computer (e.g. Sony Vaio) and your family member has another (e.g. HP Pavilion), you will not be able to use an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) version of the CD. IF, on the other hand, you both have the same "make and model" of computer, you may be able to use it.

For example, my father had an HP, I had an HP, but a different model -- we were not able to use the same CD.

The Product Keys are usually not specific to the CD, but it is possible that an OEM version CD may be that way.

As for formatting the HDD, that's exactly what I would do if given the chance.

If you have only OEM CDs and different models, you can get a "replacement" set of CDs from Microsoft by visiting their website for a small fee.

business cards

What is the best computer you can recommend for a first year computer science student?

My son is taking up computer science and he says he needs a new laptop. The specs he gives me are quite over the top and very expensive! Should I follow him and buy what he needs or is there another alternative? What do you recommend? What does a student ( he eventually wants to create software for games) in his age range need?

Other parents suggest different things and I am thoroughly confused at this point.

Please give me a specific brand of computer and its specifications. This will help me greatly!!!

Thank you so much!!

What is the best computer you can recommend for a first year computer science student?
If he is doing computer science and what to learn about computing, I'd suggest a Dell laptop running Ubuntu Linux.

Great for programming too - you get a whole Gnu C++ development environment, plus perl, python etc... :)
Reply:You don't need a Ferrari to teach a guy how to drive

I don't know about the others, but i took computer science. I did all the programming courses, graphics courses, also tried multiple operating systems beyond mac, linux, unix and windows. I did all this without a powerful computer. Honestly for the first year, he doesn't really need a powerful computer. He'll be stuck doing the basics first and it usually doesn't take much processing power.

Besides, if he's a computer major, I'm sure most of their lessons Will be conducted in computer labs. In my university, computer science students have the least number of laptops because normally everything is provided for by the school. We only needed laptops for additional paperwork when having study groups.

Laptops for computer science majors are used mostly like other laptops are.... for surfing the internet and word processing..

If he's really serious about having lots of computing power, get him a cheap laptop, and a powerful desktop he can practice on at home. You still end up saving rather than buying a really expensive high end laptop which will become obsolete in a year.

If he does end up creating games, he'll probably need a more powerful computer. With computers, its always best to invest at the last minute because prices will always drop. So get it later of when he really needs it.
Reply:Toshiba makes the best laptops. I would highly recommend a Toshiba Satellite M65-S9092.
Reply:Macs are becoming increasingly popular..they are my favorite computer, and in the long run pay for themselves.

You can get a MacBook with 1GB RAM, 120GB Hard Drive, CD %26amp; DVD Burner, Remote, and the entertainment apps for $1,299. Plus there is a discount for college students (and they get a free iPod nano too if you order before..i think mid september)..

...Vista sucks

Also, like the first person said, you can get a good Dell with Ubuntu Linux. If he's taking a very "techie" road in comp. science it is perfect. Or if you have a computer already you can download it for free at

Is my computer good for gaming and How do i know many GHz my computer is?

I have a HP Pavilion a6235x PC, with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 6000+, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro Graphics Card..... Is My computer good enough for playing the latest Video games? And how do i find out what my GHz is?

Is my computer good for gaming and How do i know many GHz my computer is?
Go to and choose a game from the drop down menu. It'll scan your computer and tell you if your system meets the minimum and recommended requirements. You can see what sort of processor you have that way, too.
Reply:Your PC is pretty good. To find out how many GHz your PC is, go to start, run and type dxdiag and check out your specs.
Reply:I think it is good.

birthday cards

How to download pictures off old computer onto a newer computer?

We recently purchased a Dell computer and I have some 3 yrs of college photos of my daughter on the old computer. How can I obtain those photos and have them stored on the new computer?

How to download pictures off old computer onto a newer computer?
you can copy it onto a 3.5 floppy disk. or you can do a laplink with a parallel port cable. if you connect to the internet with the old computer email it and donwload it on the new one.

use an external CD/DVD writer and burn it onto a CD or DVD and copy it to the new pc.
Reply:By Data Transfer Cable, Floppy, or USB Drive, or Burn it if you have a CD Burner, I bought a transfer cable at big lot's for eight bucks, wal-mart has them for twenty or so..
Reply:burn the pictures to a blank disk, then put the disk into your new computer and put the pictures where you want them. hope this helps, good luck.
Reply:the easiest way is just to get a thumb drive and drag and drop. If you have a ton of pictures, it might take loading it a couple of times - but really would take long. You can get them with lots of space today and a very reasonable price.... and you'll find you can't do without it.....

What is the best linux distribution for an older computer?

Which linux distribution would be the best to install on a older computer that still woks fine, like: 866mhz, 512ram, 80GB hard drive?

I mean, so I can reuse an older computer for basic tasks such as browsing the web, writing documents, store some music and pictures.

What is the best linux distribution for an older computer?
Something like Ubuntu or Debian would work fine.

Gnome is another popular choice:

Puppy Linix runs only in RAM, that might be a good choice for an older computer with a slower processor:

Another good distro for a slower computer is VectorLinux. I have seen it run on much slower PC's than yours:
Reply:i have a 366mhz laptop wit 40gb and ATI RAGE Mobility P/M and i ran Ubuntu Linux Beryl on it and it ran great for such a slow pc it was nice and fast so got wit it u wont be disappointed
Reply:Oh, most of the distributions will allow you to run some subset on that ... 80GB? That's all outdoors.

I thought you were going to ask about getting Linux to run on your 486 (you can!).

If you don't run X (the windowing system), 512MB will be more then enough. If you do run X, you'll want to make sure that you run relatively few graphical apps at the same time. Also turn off whatever services you don't need that get started at boot time.

If you really want to customize to get the last little bit of bang for your buck, I'd recommend "gentoo" which will allow you to compile the kernel for exactly the processor you need as well as just the tools - not for the faint of heart.

Really, you can do that with most of them - but gentoo is really setup to do it.
Reply:Linux doesn't need a lot of resources like Windows. You should be able to install Fedora on your PC without any trouble at all.
Reply:puppy linux might be a good choice
Reply:You can load Suse, Fedora (although it is a bit resource heavy), Ubuntu and many others. Limit the services running on the machine for best performance.

How do I use the same computer for two different ipods?

I am thinking about getting my mom an ipod for mothers day. How do I use the same computer to control both her ipod and mine without getting our music mixed up in itunes?

How do I use the same computer for two different ipods?
Your Ipod has its own unique ID the computer should know which is hooked in.
Reply:If she has her own ID on the computer it will not mix up.. we have three ipods at home, and each one of us has our own ID on the main computer when we upload/download our songs to.

How do i transfer my ipod tunes from one computer to another?

I have recently bought a new computer and don't know how to get my library from itunes on my old computer to my new one. I have installed the software but now don't know what to do.

How do i transfer my ipod tunes from one computer to another?
depending if you have a mac or pc but for both there are software you can find but also data cd's hold about 160 songs or a memory card like this other gentleman suggests might be slower when transferring but also more expensive if you havnt bought one yet.
Reply:Maybe you can download something. You really should put all the songs onto Cds.
Reply:go into my documents and my music then copy the itunes folder and paste it in the same place on ur new computer and import this folder into ur itunes... u can tranfer these songs with a external hdd ofr memory stick depending on what size/ amount of music u actually hvE!!!!!!
Reply:You can try Tansee iPod Transfer which can copy iPod songs and videos to new ipod, computer or notebook.

Free download link:

Step by step guide link:

More information here:
Reply:yea with a memory card
Reply:you will need to have a 3rd party tool to help you copy songs in your ipod to computer as itunes blocks the ipod-to-computer transfer...see for help..get ipod to computer transfer, it's a shareware cost $ can copy songs, videos and playlists from ipod to pc only 2 clicks, works great for me.


Is a computer science degree worth getting in the US? How much does the average person make?

After hearing about all the outsourcing going on (India), I've been having second thoughts about a Computer Science degree. Is the major worth it and will it still hold value in the next couple decades? How much is the average person with a masters in Computer Science making and doing what job? Also, how hard does it get? Does it get to the point where everything is so abstract that most students don't get what's going on? Thanks.

Is a computer science degree worth getting in the US? How much does the average person make?
Most of your questions have so many variables involved that you shouldn't expect any kind of simple answer. The truth is, it varies for everyone. As far as careers go, Computer Science is in high demand and there's a lot you can do with such a talent. How much someone makes can vary quite a bit. I know Jr. Programmers who get about 50 thousand a year, but then people straight out of school may start at around 40. With experience, luck, and a few good choices, you can move up fairly quickly. I know programmers who work in SQL that make around 150 thousand a year.

It also depends on what kind of programming you do and how valuable that skill is for the particular company you work for.

As for how hard it gets, that's completely subjective. I never had any trouble with any of my classes, but I guess I had a mind for it. Some people struggle and it's not for them. The only way to find out is to start taking classes and decide then. There's very little abstract stuff though. Programming isn't about abstract concepts unless you get into Cryptology or Artificial Intelligence.

Standard programming is about giving you tools that logically make sense so you can build your software.
Reply:even in antartica worth .decades USA ? milleniums yes till the end will come if wil come .
Reply:Yes, by the time you graduate from the Uni the economy would have changed- Economic cycles. If you don't think the outcome is good, you can also get a minor in business.

What do you want in the physical aesthetics and ergonomics of a computer or laptop?

I'm an industrial design student, and I'm looking into new designs for computers. Your personal responses could really help me:

What bothers you about your computer? Is it ugly? Is something always breaking? What and how would you change your computer so that it would be perfect for you?

What do you want in the physical aesthetics and ergonomics of a computer or laptop?
I've never found my computer to be ugly or to be breaking. But one problem that seems to bother me is the positioning of laptop keyboards, they are too far back from the edge of he laptop and hard on the wrists.

How can I transfer my photos from my old computer to my new computer and keep the date and time of photo?

I want to transfer my photos from an old laptop running XP to a new computer running Vista. I want to keep the date and time photos were taken for sorting purposes. Can you help?

How can I transfer my photos from my old computer to my new computer and keep the date and time of photo?
If you just copy over the files they should retain the datestamp.
Reply:dont know about the date and time, but should be able to do with a cross over cable, looks like the cable that gos into your pc from modem. then use network wizard, sometime slow to see the other one.
Reply:You can copy the files to a CD and put them on the new Vista machine. There are several dates that you can sort data by, these include the "created", "modified", etc. Just sort by the "created" date and you'll be OK.

How much energy are my coworkers waisting leaving their computer monitors on overnight?

My lazy coworkers turn off their computers but not their computer monitors at night and over the weekend. It is incredibly lazy and bad for the environment! How much energy (and dollars) are they waisting? Assume they should have it on 9-5, Monday to Friday! You can work it our per person - 17 inch screen!


How much energy are my coworkers waisting leaving their computer monitors on overnight?
It depends.

On the power switch, is the symbol a vertical line completely enclosed by a circle? Or is it a vertical line running through the top of a circle?

I suspect it is the latter, in which case the standby power is typically the same as the 'off' power, so they are wasting just as much electricity as you are. If the system is off then the monitor will go into a standby power saving mode.

If it is the former symbol then I would suspect that it would be a watt or maybe two.

168 hours a week, less a 40 hour work week gives 128 hours. Times 2 watts gives 256 watt hours per week. About 1 kWH, or 1 unit per month.

If the hear is on, then the office will save 1 kWH of heating costs. If the AC is on, then it will probably cost another 1.5 - 2 kWH to remove that heat.

So about $1.50 per person per year.
Reply:We're going to need more information. You need to check the power output of each monitor first. If it doesn't say, just multiply the voltage by the current (should say at the back or on the plug). Next you need to work out how many hours it's on in a month (just when it's not being used).

Next you need to divide the power output by 1000 to get it into kilo-watts. After this, multiply the power output in kw with the number of hours. The final step is to check how much the price per kilowatt hour is and just multiply this by the amount you got before. It may seem long, but it's quite straightforward.
Reply:If it is Flat panel monitor - you need not worry about the power consumption.

Incase of CRT monitor the energy consumed is 80% of the system's intake. you can suggest them to choose sleep mode.

printable cards

What are the chances of my computer getting a virus if I load limewire on to it?

I'm not sure wether to do it because I dont want my computer to get a virus or to become really slow.

What are the chances of my computer getting a virus if I load limewire on to it?
Forget about Limewire because you'll have nothing but problems. Many say that Limewire is safe but it's not. Check with your technician to see what would be the best program for you to download on your computer. It is always better to be safe then sorry.
Reply:If your carefull what your downloading then there's little chance of catching a virus, just don't open .exe. or .bat or files you don't know , i've used it ages with no problems at all
Reply:You can't get a virus from downloading and installing Limewire on your computer, no matter what the previous answer said about crack whores. Limewire is just a P2P program and does not make your computer "really slow." What you DO with Limewire does. If you download the wrong thing, you certainly can get a virus, and if you download a lot of music, you will most likely get caught and sued.
Reply:1st if ur looking for a song, after the search is finished on the left hand side click only audio files, then only chose the one tht matches or closest matches how the song looks on the album

2nd for a program like an Emulator, u can just download it off a site

3rd, i recomend you find the torrent for your file, do this by going to mininova, it als o give ratings and reviews, so u download the torrent, and then open it from your desk top and let it download

4th never download porn off lime wire or anything HORNY, SEXY, or EXPLICET. like say your looking for friends season one, dont chose horny friends season 1, never take anthing like what i just talked about, if u want porn got to youporn or pay

these 4 things can help slim the chance of getting a virus

and remember if a movie only look at video files, only a pic only look at pic files, only a program only look at program files, u get it
Reply:I don't think that viruses come via limewire.....although trojans might get a good anti-virus.
Reply:I would be more worried about getting busted.

26,000 people are facing civil lawsuits for using P2P file-stealing programs such as Limewire.

People DO get caught stealing and "sharing" copyrighted "stuff" using P2P filesharing programs such as Limewire, Bearshare, Kazza etc, and face huge fines.

People as young as 12 years old get busted.

"The music industry has turned its big legal guns on Internet music-swappers — including a 12-year-old New York City girl who thought downloading songs was fun."

"Brianna LaHara said she was frightened to learn she was among the hundreds of people sued yesterday by giant music companies in federal courts around the country."

"I got really scared. My stomach is all turning," Brianna said last night at the city Housing Authority apartment where she lives with her mom and her 9-year-old brother."

More at:,2933,9679...


Or this one from just a few weeks ago:

" Jammie Thomas makes $36,000 a year but says she's not looking for a handout to pay a $222,000 judgment after a jury decided she illegally shared music online and did it on purpose...Record labels have sued more than 26,000 people they accuse of sharing music online in violation of copyright laws."


More info:

Good luck.
Reply:if using a good anti virus program very little and stick to just downloading music you'll be ok just download burn to CD's then wait afew months then reinstall lime wire you'll be fine. listed below is link for current version of lime wire.

How to move a quickbooks company file from one computer to another?

Hi there, i have quickbooks premier 2006 version on two computers, one has my company files on it and the other has none, how do i move one of the company files onto the computer that has no company files?

Cheers :)

How to move a quickbooks company file from one computer to another?
do a back-up onto an external device (like a memory stick or an external HD)

open the back-up on your other computer's quickbooks

How can I transfer my ipod games from one computer to another computer?

I have a new computer but all of my ipod games are on my old computer and I want to be able to purchase games on my new computer...but when I go to sync the new games it only puts the games on that I have on that computer. Is there a way that I can save the games to a folder then transfer it over to my new computer? And also how do you take music from the ipod and save it!!!

How can I transfer my ipod games from one computer to another computer?
hmm i think u copy that file into a document blank for sure then save it in a disket load it on another pc then u should to that

How do I know if the computer on my 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee is going bad?

Twice recently, it has died while I have been driving down the highway. The first time, it came back on itself. The second time, I had to restart it with the ignition. My headlights and dashlights stay on, but all my needles drop down. Is this my computer going out?

How do I know if the computer on my 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee is going bad?
I would get it checked out. It could be the computer but it could be something else too. So do this before you start walking....
Reply:no ...clean your battery terminals... corrosion can make computer go crazy...computers usually just die and dont come back..

love song lyrics

How can I turn a formatted memory module that is not compatible with my computer into a memory stick?

Lets say I have something like a keychain photo viewer that is made for windows. It wont recognize my computer and my computer wont recognize it.(All is gets through a usb connection to my computer is power) Is there any free program to turn the module into something that will work with my computer? (like a blank memory card) I am also open to ways that I can do this physically. How can I turn a memory chip into an empty card? (It would also be great if someone knew how to "graft" this memory onto a phone or calculator or something. Any of these plus other ideas helps.

How can I turn a formatted memory module that is not compatible with my computer into a memory stick?
"It wont recognize my computer and my computer wont recognize it."

so how do you get the photos on it?

In general, if it is not recognised as a hard disk that means it's not programmed for that mode of operation; to reprogram it would not be trivial if it is even possible.

as for grafting, my only suggestion would be superglue or some serious hardware hacking. But if you mean interfacing in some meaningful way then it is likely not going to happen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What are good industries for a computer consultant to target?

I want to generate new business, what would be good industries for a computer consultant to target? Companies that are less likely to have "on staff" IT.

What are good industries for a computer consultant to target?
Any and all industries need IT services. Even companies that have their own "on staff" IT people hire extra people as consultants/contractors all the time. Since you are focused on IT, you're probably better off specializing on something specific to IT (network admin, programming, testing, etc.) rather than worrying about the industry. The more experience you have in a particular industry, the better. But if you're just starting out, it's more important to refine your technical expertise; industry is of secondary importance. Go to any and all industries that need your IT skills and then stick with the industry that uses you the most.

Another good thing about targeting companies with their own IT staff is that they usually have enough money to hire you. If you target "mom and pop" shops that can't afford their own IT staff, they're probably going to be penny-pinchers and won't want to shell out the money you require. If you have several clients who are "mom and pops" simultaneously, then you could make a practice out of that (doing miscellaneous technical support and projects on a part-time basis for multiple "mom and pops").

Good luck!
Reply:Real Estate...

What is the best way to ship a desktop computer cross country?

I know some people try to ship large items (such as a desktop computer) as luggage on an airport. However, it seems to be risky. Thus, what is the best way to ship a desktop computer across the country? UPS? US Postal Service? How would you go about shipping it and how much does both the normal service cost to go along with the insurance?

What is the best way to ship a desktop computer cross country?
Did you save the packaging that it came in? Cos if you did, then shipping it by UPS is pretty safe.

How to get started becoming a computer programmer?

A good friend of mine got a BS degree in computer science, and has been searching for a job where he can use his degree, with no success for a year now. He can read, write, and understand various programming techniques and algorithms

Trained in Turbo C++, Visual C++ (Console Only), and Delphi. I am concerned about him because he is broke all the time, and all the jobs he can find are like housekeeping and things like that. He lives in ND. Does anybody have any suggestions that I can pass on to him as to how and where to look for the job he wants?

How to get started becoming a computer programmer?
Im interested in this please someone email me
Reply:Why doesn't he take the MCSD certification, I think it will give some kind of power to his CV when appliying for a job to a company, and let him be creative some companies like to see some work from his hands, let him do some program from his own design and imagination.

Hope it helps
Reply:Move to Bangalore or learn different skills.

greeting cards

How do I have better ergonomics at my home computer station?

How do I have better ergonomics at my home computer station?

Any home techniques. I am broke right now so can't afford anything new.

My back, shoulders, neck, and wrist hurt and I'm sure it's from using the computer.

Any tips for me?

How do I have better ergonomics at my home computer station?
find a more comfortable chair

How do I connect my xbox 360 to my computer without using a wireless router?

I am going to buy an 360 soon along with the live stuff. But my computer dosent have a wireless internet or any router of any kind (except my cable router). Is there something I could do or BUY, that allows me to connect my 360 to my computer's internet?

How do I connect my xbox 360 to my computer without using a wireless router?
you could plug your 360 straight into your computer using

a CAT5 or CAT6 blue ethernet cable.
Reply:you need to connect ur computer directly with usb and other cables and then set it up. if you just go on you can find it there or its in ur manual.

How do use a flat screen computer monitor as a television?

I want to hook my flat screen monitor to my cable TV feed. There will be no computer in the system. What do I need to buy to make this work? Can I go to Radio Shack and get a tuner?

How do use a flat screen computer monitor as a television?
I had considered this but it is like hundred bucks for the adapter bbecause it is also a tuner. You could probably get it at Radio Shack. They will know what you need.

How do you log onto the account on a computer?

How can you log onto another computer in your home network? Windows XP. One computer wired to a router other wirelessly connected to a router.

How do you log onto the account on a computer?
dude, you have the perfect software for that in your own OS!! Remote Desktop!! don't download anything! Start / Programs / Accessories / Communications / Remote Desktop Connection

enter IP or computer name, zappp
Reply:if you want icons on desktop, just copy and paste, otherwise i don't know what you're talking about.
Reply:There are a lot of programs that will do that. The cheapest is remote desktop. If you have XP, then you already have remote desktop.

RAdmin is a very good program but requires a client program be pre-installed on the destination PC. It's definately the least intrusive and tightest on bandwidth. We use this for managing servers.

VNC is a good program but I personally never cared for it.

My favorite is Dameware mini-remote control. It will scan networks, push itself onto the remote pc (assuming you have rights), supports a full suite of file transfers, and you can set it up to remove itself from the remote PC when you disconnect. For everyday management of PC's, I couldn't do without it.
Reply:to get 10 points you said to answer 2 of ur q's. go to my computer then on the side ntwork places. go to veiw workgroup computers on the side.
Reply:I use a freeware program called . Install th server on the computer you want to access and the client you want to access it with.
Reply:VNC is your need

you should install vnc client on the computer you want to log in

and vnc administartor on the main computer

working with vnc is very simple

but first you should do some configuration from mmc console

type mmc in the run in start menu

the add a snap in...

add the group policy

go to computer configuration

windows setting

security settings

user rights assignments

check the access this computer from the network for every one

flower arranging

What would cause a computer to randomly restart?

My computer randomly restarts sometimes and if I leave it on for a while I come back to a black screen and have to restart. It would be like right now all of a sudden without any warning the computer just goes to the boot screen then starts up windows.... Yesterday when starting up the computer I got a blue screen that had some error message then I restarted and it was fine again... I checked for viruses and checked for the blaster bot and all the other things that people said caused that to happen but it keeps on happening.. Can anyone help me?

What would cause a computer to randomly restart?
The answer is....

....bad memory.

Well usually given the symptoms you've described a faulty DIMM is the culprit. If you have more than one in system try running with each one out of system for a little while to see which is causing it. If you only have one well that make it a little easier. Get someone to lend you a compatible one and put it in to see if you still get the problem, you shouldn't but nothing's for sure in trouble shooting. :P

This is all assuming you haven't left out any pertinent information like "Oh by the way the cooling fan for the power supply hasn't worked in months!" :)

Ciao! :)
Reply:it's either a virus or your mother board is about to go out

Reply:Sounds like it could be time for a reinstall.
Reply:Could your computer be ready for the big chip in the sky- RIP?
Reply:These kind of error messages are called Blue Screen of Death. You can find more information about them here:

Most of the time a faulty hardware causes this. I'd suggest returning your computer back to the vendor to fix it.

What software is the best for teaching people how to use the computer and internet?

want to get my mom a teaching tool for understanding how to use the computer and internet for christmas. I've tried myself to teach her, but I wasn't good at doing so. What is the best program out there? She knows absolutlely nothing about computers, never touched one and he has an attitude that she never will need to use one.

basically, i need a program that anyone could understand, not something with a lot of computer jargon in it.

Something that could even teach a caveman is ideal.

What software is the best for teaching people how to use the computer and internet?
better to use books and have them at a computer learning, they will be more comfortable. any software that teaches software first requires them to learn THAT software which adds more time between when they start trying to learn and actually enjoying the internet...... I say let them learn how they are most likley used to with a book.
Reply:use the windows xp's built in microsoft nteractive training program,to open click start,point to all programs,accessories,microsoft interacting traning.use an adminisrator account to use tre program.

What are the chances of my computer getting a virus if I load limewire on to it?

I'm not sure wether to do it because I dont want my computer to get a virus or to become really slow.

What are the chances of my computer getting a virus if I load limewire on to it?
Forget about Limewire because you'll have nothing but problems. Many say that Limewire is safe but it's not. Check with your technician to see what would be the best program for you to download on your computer. It is always better to be safe then sorry.
Reply:If your carefull what your downloading then there's little chance of catching a virus, just don't open .exe. or .bat or files you don't know , i've used it ages with no problems at all
Reply:You can't get a virus from downloading and installing Limewire on your computer, no matter what the previous answer said about crack whores. Limewire is just a P2P program and does not make your computer "really slow." What you DO with Limewire does. If you download the wrong thing, you certainly can get a virus, and if you download a lot of music, you will most likely get caught and sued.
Reply:1st if ur looking for a song, after the search is finished on the left hand side click only audio files, then only chose the one tht matches or closest matches how the song looks on the album

2nd for a program like an Emulator, u can just download it off a site

3rd, i recomend you find the torrent for your file, do this by going to mininova, it als o give ratings and reviews, so u download the torrent, and then open it from your desk top and let it download

4th never download porn off lime wire or anything HORNY, SEXY, or EXPLICET. like say your looking for friends season one, dont chose horny friends season 1, never take anthing like what i just talked about, if u want porn got to youporn or pay

these 4 things can help slim the chance of getting a virus

and remember if a movie only look at video files, only a pic only look at pic files, only a program only look at program files, u get it
Reply:I don't think that viruses come via limewire.....although trojans might get a good anti-virus.
Reply:I would be more worried about getting busted.

26,000 people are facing civil lawsuits for using P2P file-stealing programs such as Limewire.

People DO get caught stealing and "sharing" copyrighted "stuff" using P2P filesharing programs such as Limewire, Bearshare, Kazza etc, and face huge fines.

People as young as 12 years old get busted.

"The music industry has turned its big legal guns on Internet music-swappers — including a 12-year-old New York City girl who thought downloading songs was fun."

"Brianna LaHara said she was frightened to learn she was among the hundreds of people sued yesterday by giant music companies in federal courts around the country."

"I got really scared. My stomach is all turning," Brianna said last night at the city Housing Authority apartment where she lives with her mom and her 9-year-old brother."

More at:,2933,9679...


Or this one from just a few weeks ago:

" Jammie Thomas makes $36,000 a year but says she's not looking for a handout to pay a $222,000 judgment after a jury decided she illegally shared music online and did it on purpose...Record labels have sued more than 26,000 people they accuse of sharing music online in violation of copyright laws."


More info:

Good luck.
Reply:if using a good anti virus program very little and stick to just downloading music you'll be ok just download burn to CD's then wait afew months then reinstall lime wire you'll be fine. listed below is link for current version of lime wire.

How can i connect to Xbox live when my computer and xbox are in different rooms?

Okay, in short my xbox is in one place but my computer and modem are in the other. I need to connect to Xbox live. I have and adapter but its not strong enough to reach the signal from my wireless router. I cant move my xbox to my computer room but I do have a laptop that gets the signal fine that i can have in my room. How can i make Xbox live happen?

How can i connect to Xbox live when my computer and xbox are in different rooms?
just hook up the ethernet cable from your 360 to to your laptop. Once you do that, on your laptop, go to control panel, then network and internet connections, then network connections, right click on your internet connection, go to properties, then advance and check the box that says "allow other users to connect..."

Basically enable the internet on your laptop to share its connection
Reply:use a long ethernet cable
Reply:You can run a cat 45 cable (internet, j45, whatever you want to call it) from the modem to the xbox. Or you can have a wireless device that finds the wireless router and put that by the xbox. That is what I did with my ps2 and it worked to perfection.
Reply:You need to buy a really long ethernet cable. Just measure how far the distance is along each wall and buy a cable maybe 5 or 10 feet longer just to be safe. Just plug the ethernet cable into your router and you should be good to go. Either that or buy a new router with a stronger wireless signal.
Reply:ethernet and that thingy that allows you to run your computer away from the wall jack.... oh what is that word.
Reply:either run a cable, or maybe try getting a wireless router with a stronger signal
Reply:get a xbox 360 wireless router?
Reply:do you have the special xbox 360 wireless router? If not, that's your problem
Reply:well it looks like your going to have to get a really really long ethernet cord

or get a stronger wireless router
Reply:I would get a 50 or 100 foot ethernet cable and hook directly to the router without wireless first. This is only to make sure it is not some other problem than the wireless so you don't go spending money and effort only to find it's not the wireless. Especially since your laptop works from the same location as the XBox.

If it IS the wireless then you can get an inexpensive antenna booster for your wireless router. Check Circuit City/Best Buy/
Reply:what you can do is buy a router with intennas and a wi-fi adaptor for wireless connection or you can buy an extender for the cord supplied

flower arrangement

How far should i be sitting away from the computer screen?

Well I'm nearsighted and I use the computer without wearing my glasses and i might be sitting too close. How far should i sit back from the computer screen and should i use my glasses?

How far should i be sitting away from the computer screen?
Some people will be more comfortable wearing glasses for computer work, even if near-sighted.

This may be down to a difference between the two eyes, a small amount of astigmatism or binocular coordination issues. All of those can cause unnecessary fatigue even if the screen seems perfectly clear.

It's perfectly all right to try it both ways and see.

On the whole, the longest distance from the screen that works for posture, the keyboard and size of text is going to be the most relaxing in the long term. Even if that involves a bit of habit-breaking.

Regular breaks to re-establish distance focus have already been mentioned. Those are definitely a good idea.

(Optometrist, retired)

the ideal distance would be anything between 1 to 1.5 feet ie 30 to 45 cm, for both computer and reading.

u should get ur computer screen, chair or the table adjusted in such a way that u cant be comfortable if u go near the screen.

always take regular intervals like once every hour while doing any near work. during this interval u can take a little walk, have a glass of water and try to see an object at the farthest distance from the window, in order to relax ur continously focussed eye muscles.

this may also help u to be concious about the distance of ur eyes from computer screen.

if u r comfortable without wearing ur glasses on computer its ok, but there should not be any strain involved while working on computer or reading if u r not wearing ur glasses.

if u need any more optical advice, contact me on

i m a qualified optometrist runnin my own optical shop.
Reply:2 words common sense. Set so you can see it. Why would you have glasses if you don't wear them?
Reply:keep away for 5 minutes after every one hour work from the computer screen. close your eyes and relax for 5 mins.Thats it.
Reply:I have mine set 18-24 inches away (I just measured from my home computer)...sometimes when I'm tired, I need to move it a little closer. I was very nearsighted before my PRK and couldn't see ANYTHING on my screen without glasses or contacts...

Basically, set it to where you are comfortable. Your glasses MAY help cut down on eye strain though. Unless you're having a worse time seeing the computer with your glasses, I'd wear them to ease that eye strain and the discomfort that goes with it.