Monday, May 24, 2010

How much energy are my coworkers waisting leaving their computer monitors on overnight?

My lazy coworkers turn off their computers but not their computer monitors at night and over the weekend. It is incredibly lazy and bad for the environment! How much energy (and dollars) are they waisting? Assume they should have it on 9-5, Monday to Friday! You can work it our per person - 17 inch screen!


How much energy are my coworkers waisting leaving their computer monitors on overnight?
It depends.

On the power switch, is the symbol a vertical line completely enclosed by a circle? Or is it a vertical line running through the top of a circle?

I suspect it is the latter, in which case the standby power is typically the same as the 'off' power, so they are wasting just as much electricity as you are. If the system is off then the monitor will go into a standby power saving mode.

If it is the former symbol then I would suspect that it would be a watt or maybe two.

168 hours a week, less a 40 hour work week gives 128 hours. Times 2 watts gives 256 watt hours per week. About 1 kWH, or 1 unit per month.

If the hear is on, then the office will save 1 kWH of heating costs. If the AC is on, then it will probably cost another 1.5 - 2 kWH to remove that heat.

So about $1.50 per person per year.
Reply:We're going to need more information. You need to check the power output of each monitor first. If it doesn't say, just multiply the voltage by the current (should say at the back or on the plug). Next you need to work out how many hours it's on in a month (just when it's not being used).

Next you need to divide the power output by 1000 to get it into kilo-watts. After this, multiply the power output in kw with the number of hours. The final step is to check how much the price per kilowatt hour is and just multiply this by the amount you got before. It may seem long, but it's quite straightforward.
Reply:If it is Flat panel monitor - you need not worry about the power consumption.

Incase of CRT monitor the energy consumed is 80% of the system's intake. you can suggest them to choose sleep mode.

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