Friday, May 21, 2010

How do I hook a second computer to my home network with the Kinksys router and USB adapter?

I have the router on my computer with Local and internet but inly limited connectivity on the second one.

How do I hook a second computer to my home network with the Kinksys router and USB adapter?
u need to login to your linksys mainpage when u key in your IP like

from there set a WEP key of 26 charater as 26 key search takes about 100billion years for hacker to catch you. lol.

n when you r done, u need to put in your 2nd PC physical address to your linksys in order for it to approval usage.

remember to set ur linksys size to a mid range to run it smoothly.
Reply:All you need to do is install the adapter and it's all good to go. but beware, the USB adapters are not very good in the connections department I hear. They lose connectivity a lot. if your router is properly set up...make sure it's WEP protected and that only the computers that you WANT to use it have the 10 digit code. If you;re not sure if it is, unplug the router and hold in the reset button on the back for about 30-45 seconds to reset it back to default, and then reset it back up.
Reply:You connect the router to the modem, not to the computer. Then you plug your computers into the router or use a wireless connection. You evidently have the WAN jack of the router connected to your computer - and your computer is not your internet connection. Follow the quick start sheet.

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