Friday, May 21, 2010

What would cause a computer to randomly restart?

My computer randomly restarts sometimes and if I leave it on for a while I come back to a black screen and have to restart. It would be like right now all of a sudden without any warning the computer just goes to the boot screen then starts up windows.... Yesterday when starting up the computer I got a blue screen that had some error message then I restarted and it was fine again... I checked for viruses and checked for the blaster bot and all the other things that people said caused that to happen but it keeps on happening.. Can anyone help me?

What would cause a computer to randomly restart?
The answer is....

....bad memory.

Well usually given the symptoms you've described a faulty DIMM is the culprit. If you have more than one in system try running with each one out of system for a little while to see which is causing it. If you only have one well that make it a little easier. Get someone to lend you a compatible one and put it in to see if you still get the problem, you shouldn't but nothing's for sure in trouble shooting. :P

This is all assuming you haven't left out any pertinent information like "Oh by the way the cooling fan for the power supply hasn't worked in months!" :)

Ciao! :)
Reply:it's either a virus or your mother board is about to go out

Reply:Sounds like it could be time for a reinstall.
Reply:Could your computer be ready for the big chip in the sky- RIP?
Reply:These kind of error messages are called Blue Screen of Death. You can find more information about them here:

Most of the time a faulty hardware causes this. I'd suggest returning your computer back to the vendor to fix it.

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