Monday, May 24, 2010

How do i connect a second computer to a router?

How do i connect a second computer to a router .

In my house i have two computers at the moment , one connected to a router . I would like to add a third computer for my daughter .

How would i go about this connecting it to a router , so there will be two computers running of one router .


How do i connect a second computer to a router?
Assuming your router has 4 ports, just connect the second and third computers to the free ports. If it only has one port (which is pretty rare these days), I'd suggest getting a new router that does have at least 4 ports. They're only £15.
Reply:well, if you want to connect it wirelessly, and if your daughter's computer is a laptop, then just enter the password of the router, if your network is secured. If it is a desktop, then there will be 4 ports for an internet cable, just buy a long one of those, they have internet cords with lengths of 50 ft. or mode, and then plug one end into one of the four ports on the router, and the other cable into the internet cable port on your daughter's computer
Reply:Recently routers have minimum of 4 ports ( means: 4 cables can be plugged to it excluding a WAN port). To connect the second computer to the router, you need a networking cable (RJ45) and connect one end of it to one of the router ports and the other end to the network point on the back of the second computer. I the computer doesn't have any network point, you need to install a network card on the second computer.

See network setting on computer currently connected to the router. Copy all the setting to the second computer except for IP address. This IP address is unique for each computer. Change the last group number. eg: on 1st PC and set for 2nd PC.

To set the third PC, do same as above and use different IP address.

If your router only have one port, you need to buy a 4 port switch. Connect one cable between router and switch and cables between switch and computers.

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