Monday, May 24, 2010

How often should one scan the computer using antivirus and antispyware programs?

I use the free addition of AVG Anti-virus and Spydoctor. Usually in the instructions for all the anti-malware programs its given that you should scan the computer regularly using them. So how often does regularly means? I usually end up scanning everyday or the other day. Can scanning a lot have any affect on my hard drive or other components?

How often should one scan the computer using antivirus and antispyware programs?
Most if not all anti-virus apps can be set to update %26amp; scan automaticly. I have mine run every nite because I leave it on to catch updates--Windows, ZoneAlarm, etc

The anti-spyware apps I run 5-6 times a month. This because of the number of nasties that they typically find. If I happen to go to a number of new, or suspect, or porn sites, I run it more often, because it will get more stuff from those.

The wear on the computer is negligible, it's more about the time involved

Reply:I have mine set for once a week, depending on how much you use your computer I'd say once a week is good enough.
Reply:not very often...certainly no more than 1 time a week. maybe twice if you downloaded something your not sure of.

:-) hope i helped
Reply:The true answer is never... once you install and update to the newest definitions, run a full scan. But then you never need to scan again because your AV scans a file everytime you: read, write or download. Therefore no virus can ever sneak by.

Running additional scans is a waste of time.
Reply:If your security tools find "Nasties" every day or two, do it EVERY day, faithfully. Better safe than sorry.

No, it won't hurt your hardware, but it WILL trash Windows, eventually.
Reply:2 or 3 times a week if you don't want to bother doing it manually you can schedule it tell it to e-mail you the

latest scan status report.
Reply:you only need to scan about every week
Reply:No more than once a week, you can leave it longer if you dont do much with it as theres less chance of anything bad being on your computer. Your resident protection should stop new threats anyway as they happen but just keep an eye on how your computer is acting and keep your software up to date.

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