Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gate to Gate computer operated aircraft? Is it possible and would you fly in it?

It seems that the possibilty of an aircraft that is soley controlled by a computer (computer system) is very possible. There are already Unmanned Aerial Vehicles flying in the military. Catagory III aircraft have auto-land, which enables the aircraft to land in zero visibility (obviously at Cat III certified runways). Autopilot flies preprogrammed flight paths and approaches. What problems to do you see in this? Would you fly in a piloted-computer controlled aircraft in the future? Something to think about: more than 70% of aircraft accidents occure due to pilot error and not mechanical failure.

Gate to Gate computer operated aircraft? Is it possible and would you fly in it?
Not if the computer has no wings.
Reply:It is totally possible to have an unmanned aircraft. But I don´t think that will happen in the future, at least with passenger aircraft. The pilot may transform into an observer, but it has to be there ready to use his judgment if anything goes wrong.
Reply:ummm 70% of aircraft accidents are due to pilot error because they fly by the computer, the "AUTO", its not an error in the system, its the error in the GPS it glitches and puts the plane in a wrong direction, but its also because of the pilots falling asleep at the helm because they arnt doing anything besides watching and listening the radios...

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