Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the program called that restores your computer to its original settings?

I have a Windows, Gateway computer that seemed to develop a little virus from a "movie download" off Limewire. I know I know, stupid. But anyways, I want to restore my computer to how it was when I first purchased it.

Thank you.

What is the program called that restores your computer to its original settings?
did you created a restore point?

if not i afraid there is no any software can really turn your pc to the point when you first purchased it! unless, you reinstall the OS
Reply:format your hardisc and reinstall your os.

i guarantee that your computer is back to original state.
Reply:no need to reformat..

download DEEP FREEZE.

it works!

clean your pc from worms and viruses.

install deep freeze

lock the system with a password

then restart.

the current system setting of your pc will restore whenever you restart.. that means, in case a virus came and installs anything in your pc..just restart... then the virus is gone..

this is very effective. my friend who owns a 20 unit internet cafe use this software. he doesnt have any antivirus installed in his units. all he has is this deep freeze.

the maintenance is very minimal.. he rarely formats his pc once a year..

here's the downside..

if your deep freeze is locked.. nothing new softwares installed will be set permanently.. example. if your deep freeze is locked, then you install a game.. after you restart.. the pc will go back to its locked state without the installed game.

unlock it first before you install anything.

same goes with your documents.

if your deepfreeze is locked.. then you make a simple powerpoint presentation and save it in your hard drive.

after you restart.. your saved file will be deleted.

be sure to make a backup / or save your documents in a flash disk..
Reply:hi paul, it is called buying a new one but lets fix this one. in other words no way hose but try start, programs,accessories and system tools go down to sytem restore if you know the date that you picked up the virus create it or hit it if the calender shows it to the day before you got your virus. then hit apply it will run it's scan at first then it will reboot itself and show that it is doing it's restore. when it is done it will reboot and it should have remove the virus then you should go back and defragment your harddrive (enteresting to watch) and clean disk and check every box except thumbnail regular maintance and it will ask you do you want to delete these files yes and that should remove your virus. if this don't do it format your harddrive and this will definitly remove that virus. if you cannot pc repairman can. hope i was helpful good luck my friend

sim cards

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