Friday, July 31, 2009

How many Minutes or hours is the advisable time for studying in front of computer?

We have installed so many learning components in computer and all this cannot be accessible by any other media. Printing of all the studying materials is also not a possible one. So we are placed in a situation to study in front of computer for certain important and upgraded things. How many minutes of hours is the advisable time for studying before computer? In my experience, things I have learned from printing materials mostly keep in my mind when compare to the computer learnings. Why its like that? Is there any memory difference arise when we study the same thing in computer and printing material?

How many Minutes or hours is the advisable time for studying in front of computer?
There is no time limit as to what advisable time is as research, new methods and our own capacity to perceive, adapt and apply new upgrades. Printing is more a technical repetitive procedure while computer learning is not in conditioned learning for those of us who who can already answer some easy computer questions. We are limited to respond to the new, quicker technologies and younger generations who now operate , devise and use computers.
Reply:I am currently doing a tech course in computing and we have to break at about two hours apparantly this is the O.H.S rules in N.S.W . Peter D

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