Friday, July 31, 2009

What computer should I get for HD video editing?

I recently purchased Sony's HDR-HC1 high-definition camcorder, and I found out my current computer is way too slow for HD video editing. I want to purchase a brand new PC or Mac to get the job done (since my current PC is a 6-year-old 1Ghz Athlon dinosaur). Should I stay on PC platform, or should I switch to Mac? Either way, what is the spec of the computer I should get? I appreciate your sharing of your own experience!

What computer should I get for HD video editing?
Get A Mac! More Specifically, get a PowerMac G5! They are designed very well, inside and out. The processors in them are nice and the BUS SPEED is very high (half the speed of the processor). The 64 Bit structure is perfect for intense computing. Never seen the Quad in action, but several friends have, and they say it is unbelievably fast.

Apple Cinema Displays are kinda expensive, but they are WORTH IT!

Get dual displays if you can afford it!

Also, Final Cut Studio is like the best video editing software out there. It's very versitle, from SD to HD to Film, very stable, and each program in the suite interacts with each other very well.

This thing was built for HD composition:
Reply:get an OSX with a with Final Cut Pro HD. you cant edit HD format without having the right format in your software. they sell special HD software these days. You cannot edit it in your normal DV format. Even if you do, you cannot take proper output. Get an external hard drive of atleast 80 GB. Helps a lot. And get the highest RAM speed. All these go a long way in helping you edit more efficiently.
Reply:a mac G5 would be your best bet... it has the largest hard drive and the most power to run an HD movie
Reply:I hate to join the fray on this but Mac is probably the way to go. I was looking at the pc specs on editing with premiere pro for editing HD and for full HD (I am assuming using something like the new Panasonic DVX200) you need a dual processor Xeon workstation.

That being the case, I really like final cut pro and for the amount of money for that type of computer, I think the dual 2.5 gig G5 is the way to go.

Pick up motion 2 and after effects and you will have some serious horsepower with that type of system.

Hope that helps,

Reply:Bin HD, Its not as good as proper 100Hz Crt sets, just compare the scanning rates.

Analogue rules, and no pixelation.
Reply:Buy a MAC, you will have nothing but trouble with a PC. Look at major motion pictures, they run off MAC platforms. Get a good G5 with a lot of memory and hard drive space, because your gonna need it. Also buy FINAL CUT PRO. Last, but you a HD editing deck so you dont wear out the heads on your video camera.
Reply:I hate Macs but I must say , the best computer to get for graphics is the MAC.

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