Friday, July 31, 2009

How difficult will it be to transfer the contents of my old computer's hard drive to my new computer?

Soon a will be upgrading my home desktop computer, possibly to a 'low end' laptop model. My old computer uses WindowsXP and the new one will use Vista most likely.

Is there an easy and efficient way to 'mirror' my old hard drive contents to my new computer? Or should I just leave this to a paid expert as I have done previously?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

How difficult will it be to transfer the contents of my old computer's hard drive to my new computer?
Well, If you are going to have laptop other than home desktop PC. You will only have to copy whatever user data i.e. Pictures, Digital Audio Video Files etc.. those you can copy into a DATA CD, DVD, or USB Flashdisk then when your laptop is ready with your windows vista then you can copy into that. Most files XP files are compatible with VISTA. If you are not sure what you are doing then must hire paid expert rather than you loose your important data.
Reply:my dad does that

its called file transfer --google it

or slave your old harddrive on the new vista machine and copy the files you want
Reply:If you are just moving files and programmes then putting them on a USB drive or Pen driveis as good a way as any. Transfering the operating system would be another matter.
Reply:leave it to an expert. otherwise put your stuff on a pen drive and then put it on your new computer, if its to big put it in a compressed folder.
Reply:Can you burn it to CD/DVD???? Can be easy look on goole for full instructions

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