Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I get my computer to shut off automatically at a specific time?

I have caught my young son up very late at night multiple times using my desktop PC to chat, amongst other things. Since I can't shut my son off at midnight, I would like to shut the computer off automatically at midnight so I don't have to be up and maybe he will go to bed on time.

How do I get my computer to shut off automatically at a specific time?
Instead of turning off his computer why not just turn off the modem or router? If you have a router it is easy to unplug, then you can take it to your own bedroom when you go to bed = no more internet problems with your son.

With a bit of luck he'll be reading books in no time :)
Reply:I would not advise by that, as that can be more trouble then it is worth anc can cause problem and really screw up the computer. It would be best just for you to turn off the computer before you go to bed.
Reply:just type this in the run command shutdown -s -t 3600 -c "any comment that you want." 3600 is eqaul to 1 hour because there are 3600 seconds in 1 hour. just mulitply 3600 to 2 for 2 hours and so on and so forth. I hope this helps
Reply:power save lets you put the computer to sleep and wake up when you say so

you could unplug it and put the power cord in your bedroom closet

just a thought =]

wedding song

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