Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do I start an In Home Computer fixing business?

I have fixed many computers and would like to start fixing more computers at home. I have fixed my friends computers in the past. I've gotten rid of viruses, I've installed drives and all. I would like to put all my experience together and have it so people can bring me their computer and come back 2 hours later to pick it up. How do I advertise and make money? I also want people to feel safe when they bring their computer to me.

How do I start an In Home Computer fixing business?
First of all decide on a creative business name. Start a website and create unique colorful business cards. When you meet customers, greet them with a smile and a firm handshake. People want to know you are confident in what you are doing. Decide on an hourly or fixed rate and stick to it. If you do a good job, business will come to you.

In home computer repair is very popular, why not try that? Customers will feel more relaxed and safer with you working at their computer with oposed to taking it. I am a Dell certified systems expert and have fixed hundreds of laptops onsite at customer locations. People love confidence, communication and expertise. Go beyond their expectations and people will love you.

First you have to get more experience for troubleshooting. Every time you want to know what are the new trends about the computers and you have to make a trust about yourself with your customers. Don't do any thing free of charge. But your chargers must be reasonable.

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